Hello and welcome to the first blog post. I'm always searching out ways to make this website more useful and more user friendly. I want users of the site to feel like they can find what they're looking for fast and easy; whether it's a time for an event, a printable form, or a picture. My website format somewhat limits what I can do, but I welcome suggestions about the website. Email me your suggestions or call the band office.
I believe in giving credit where credit is due and my inspiration to change things up on the website comes from the Williamston Band page. So, thanks to Ms. Kelsey and Ms. Stiehl for having their website through Weebly so I could borrow their ideas.
I believe in giving credit where credit is due and my inspiration to change things up on the website comes from the Williamston Band page. So, thanks to Ms. Kelsey and Ms. Stiehl for having their website through Weebly so I could borrow their ideas.